Well ok so I'm obviously not a good blogger, seeing as I missed the whole new years thing. I just have not found the best time to blog. I do hope to have a great 2012 and have kind of decided to go along with the "one word" new years resolution...the have all your goals go to meeting this umbrella goal... My word is peace...not world peace or anything like that, I do not have that lofty of goals, but peace of mind, peace at home, peace at heart to be happy with what I have and who I am. I want to achieve this peace by finding a new job this year, hoping to work less hours and in a field that I actually enjoy instead of loathe! I want to be able to find peace at home even if the dishes haven't bee done yet, I let simple things like messes get in the way of the time I have to be happy with Alexander, Kris, and the critters. I will continue to strive to be organized enough to keep simple peace that order can bring. I typed up shopping list of the normal stuff we buy and left room for add ons, its on the fridge with a pen and has helped so far. I also wrote up a menu for the month, I left a few blanks for days of inspiration or laziness. It's really helped me plan dinners and it helps Kris help me if he knows what we are having. I'd like to find the peace that exercising can bring, when you feel relaxed and a little healthier. I'd like to find the peace of mind knowing I've eaten healthy and fed my son healthy foods.
Any way I could go on and on, but I won't bore you... so peace is my word...
2011 in review was a wonderful and difficult year. I can't complain because it was the year that brought Alexander into our lives and nothing is better than that. We got to see lots of family this year, with a trip to Michigan in July and home to California for Thanksgiving, and my parents visiting a few times. However with Kris loosing his job and me going back to work full time at the very place I hate working there was some serious challenges too. Luckily as the year ended Kris found a job, of course I never realized how stressful it is to have a child, pets and two parents working full time....there is just never enough time!
So on to a new year! I can't wait to watch Alexander grow and learn to walk and feed himself. Can't wait to see what new job opportunity may be out there, there is the possibility of working less hours...oooh!
So there it is folks my already procrastinated new years post!