Monday, August 29, 2011

A little blue

I've been feeling a little blue the past week or so.  Late PPD?  who knows, I think it mostly has to due with being back at work.  There is so much guilt involved with leaving my kiddo in daycare while I work. I got lucky the first two weeks, he got to stay home with his daddy who was temporarily laid off. Last week was his first time in actual "day care".  My little man decided to protest the situation by refusing to eat. He went from 6:45 am to 2:00 pm before he'd eat.  He did about the same thing the next day too.  Ug made me feel so bad.  Then he's been fussier lately so the wheels start running in my head of what could be mom worries such as he must have baby reflux to early teething to my screwy schedule is ruining him....ah!  Any way all of this added to a serious lack of sleep has me feeling pretty down. I "wrote a post" at work the other day in my email since I'm not allowed to blog at work. It was such a downer I decided not to post it.  Being a mom is definitely as hard as everyone said it would be and so much more. Not that I'm complaining I'm so lucky to have my beautiful son. I waited 5 years for this little guy, I think it's trying to find my new path as a to meld the "old Liz" with the new "mom Liz".
So to end on a good note here are some tomatoes are ripening, I finally successfully grew a red bell pepper, the news just said chocolate helps prevent heart disease....I should be in the clear!!  Xander likes his baby bjorn facing outward....this is a valuable discovery.  It is a beautiful day today sunny but not hot, and Kris has work again...hurray!!!

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